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Changing Places Facility -

Keycard Application Form

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User's Info

Date of Birth

Health & Safety

Weight for safe use of ceiling hoist

Please confirm that the hoist user weighs less than 200 kilos/ 32 stone (this is the maximum weight carried by our hoist)

Disability / Impairment

What is the nature of the person’s disability or impairment? (Please tick all those which apply)

Carer's Information


By signing this, you are agreeing that:

  • correct details have been given for access to the Changing Places facility to be provided.

  • the disabled person and their carer(s) have been advised to carry a mobile phone when using the Changing Places facility.

  • the hoist user is under the maximum permitted weight if using the tracking hoist (200 kgs or 32 stone).

  • the disabled person and their carer(s) will ensure that the access card is kept secure and not shared with anyone else.

  • the disabled person and their carer(s) will update the Whitlingham Charitable Trust if any of this information changes.

  • the disabled person and their carer(s) accept that this information will be held in paper files or on a computer database for the purposes of processing this application, records maintenance and the collection and analysis of statistical information by Whitlingham Charitable Trust.

  • the disabled person and their carer(s) will use the equipment provided by Whitlingham Charitable Trust in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions as Whitlingham Charitable Trust will accept no liability for any damage to property or injury to persons arising from a failure to adhere to such instructions when operating the equipment.

  • I agree to make a £10 payment for my personal key card.

This can be paid in cash, or as a donation through our Whitlingham Country Park charities aid foundation page!/DonationDetails

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