Whitlingham Country park is a favourite spot for local, and not so local, residents and their dogs. We want all our visitors to enjoy this special area of natural beauty and to do so responsibly and with consideration for others.
One of the biggest challenges we face in managing the park is balancing the needs of a diverse group of users. From dog-walkers, runners, and cyclists to families on picnics, children playing and, of course, our wildlife.
The Whitlingham Charitable Trust aim to provide a place of quiet enjoyment for all its visitors. Dogs are welcome at Whitlingham Country Park. We ask that all visitors respect the guidelines stated below and keep Whitlingham a welcoming place.
Dogs are to be kept on the lead in certain areas. These areas are the clearly marked and include:
• The Conservation Area
• Trowse Water Meadow
• The Children's Play Area
• Flint Barn Café, Patio & Meadow
• All Car Parks
When walking your dog please respect the wildlife as well as the other park users by keeping your dog under effective control.
Ground nesting birds are particularly sensitive to disturbance by dogs and people. Please observe the warning signs displayed during the nesting season.
Grazing cattle play an important role in the management of the Park, advice on walking with livestock can be found in our livestock policy on the 'visit' page's Handy Guides.
The Park is for everyone to enjoy. Please make sure you don't spoil someone else's day and pick up after your dog. Dog waste should be placed in a tightly sealed bag and taken home or deposited in the bins marked for dog waste or general bins. Dog fouling alters the nutrient levels of soils and can affect the survival of rare flora and fauna.
It is an offence not to pick up after your dog. The South Norfolk Council Public Space Protection Order applies to Whitlingham Country Park and carries a maximum penalty of £1000. Fixed penalties of £80 are also in operation.
Professional dog walkers must apply for a licence to operate in the park. Contact the team for further information.
Please consider the following:
• It is your responsibility to keep your dog under control and to clean up after it: you are
breaking the law if you do not do so.
• Keep your dog in sight.
• Keep the lead handy, you may need it.
• Respect the dog-free and dogs-on-leads areas. Please look out for notices.
• Respect other users and the wildlife
This policy is reviewed annually, any changes are guided by public consultation.
