Support a project
Do you love Whitlingham as much as we do?
Whitlingham Charitable Trust is a registered charity (802711)
We have three current projects we'd love you to support us with. Check them out below.
Your kind donation, however big or small will make a difference.
Visit our touch-screen contactless donation point in the Flint Barn Cafe, or donate securely from wherever you are by using one of the QR code links below.
Pick a project, make a change!
Thank you!

To make a general donation to our work at the park, visit Whitlingham Charitable Trust's donation page on the
Thank you!
Help young visitors enjoy the park even more with new playground equipment.

Help us buy a second Tramper mobility scooter so more people can access nature.

Help us buy a Flow Hive and bees to pollinate our Norfolk apple orchard.