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Have you seen our beautiful litter picking station located at the Flint Barn Cafe?

Our incredibly talented volunteer, David, designed and painted it to inspire you to take a litter picker for a wander with you as you enjoy the park.

Helping nature to thrive is what we are about. If you want to care for the park and planet, here's what to do:

  1. Pop to the Flint Barn Cafe

  2. Collect a litter picker, bin bag hoop and bag

  3. Head off for your walk, looking out for litter as you go (but please do not pick up dog mess or anything dangerous, for your own safety)

  4. return the equipment and the used rubbish bag to the litter picking station. We'll get it to the bin safely

  5. Feel proud that you made a difference!

Kids, did you know that your litter picking could even get you a Blue Peter badge?

You'll need to get some evidence of your environmental efforts. Get someone to take photos of you on your litter picking adventure. Find out more here.

Please note, badges must be applied for from Blue Peter. We do not supply them at the park.

Visitor litter picking station at the Flint Barn Cafe entrance
Family litter picking in action
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